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Air Duct Test

Testing your air ducts is an important component of a well-maintained home. Regular air duct testing ensures that the quality of the air in your home is healthy and free from contaminants, bacteria, and dust particles. It also ensures that inefficient or faulty operation of your HVAC system doesn't negatively impact both indoor air quality and energy efficiency. With proper testing, you can rest assured that your air conditioning and heating systems are running at optimal performance, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable environment without worry. Don't wait another moment, give EHERS a call and get your air ducts tested today!

Air Duct Test
Air Flow Test

Air Flow Test

Air flow testing is essential in terms of evaluating the efficiency of an HVAC system, as well as its ability to maintain healthy indoor air quality. An air flow test measures the amount of air that is being circulated within the system. Furthermore, tests can help determine if any airflow-related problems exist, including a lack of comfort and increased energy consumption due to clogged filters and excess dust. When conducted properly, air flow testing can significantly improve comfort, savings, and air quality in homes and businesses all across the country. As a result, regular air flow testing is highly recommended in order to ensure that both your wallet and your wellbeing remain protected.

Refrigerant Charge verification

Verifying your refrigerator’s charge is a simple process that can make a significant impact on the overall performance and efficiency of your air conditioning system. Taking the time to check the charge of your refrigerant not only helps reduce energy costs, but also lengthen the life span of your hvac system.

Refrigerant Charge verification
Blower Door Test

Blower Door Test

The goal of a Blower Door Test is to identify and eliminate air leakage in a building. This type of test not only helps you save on energy costs but also ensure healthier, better-quality air through enhanced ventilation. A blower door is composed of very high-powered fans that pull air out of the house to measure the amount of leakage. Results are visualized using pressure gauges and thermographic imaging software. Making sure your home passes these tests can help you make sure you're living in an energy efficient, safe environment. Adopting this test can not only benefit the environment but also make sure that you get maximum value for your home or building.

Home Energy Audit

Completing a home energy audit is a great way to save money, energy and the environment. By completing a home energy audit at least once a year, you can identify potential problems that are causing your utility bills to be unnecessarily high. A good audit will include an assessment of how much lighting, heating and cooling you are using throughout the year and which areas of your home need improvement in efficiency. It can also help determine sources of dirt and drafts that can add up to higher costs for utilities. An energy audit will ultimately provide helpful advice on how you can reduce electricity bills, improve indoor air quality and protect the environment from further damage due to inefficient use of electricity.

Home Energy Audit
Infrared Imaging

Infrared Imaging

Infrared imaging offers a new way to observe and understand the world around us. This innovative technology is based on the use of infrared radiation to detect and record objects, which can be analyzed to learn more about their characteristics. From analyzing heat patterns to identifying objects in complete darkness, infrared imaging is a powerful tool for studying a variety of areas such as astronomy, biology, geology and medicine. Thanks to this remarkable technology, we have access to information that was once completely out of reach. If you're looking for an innovative way to explore the world and its mysteries, infrared imaging should be at the top of your list!